The Wheels on the Bus ~survival of the fittest~

The wheels on the bus go round in round... round in round... all through the town... But I’m sure your wondering what that has to do with survival. A year ago I’d be asking myself what the wheel on the bus has to do with survival too! 

So I’ll elaborate, and perhaps speculate too. 

#motherhood is a never ending game of trial and error. As a new mom you typically have more errors than anything else, especially in the beginning. It’s a learning experience, one where survival is the ultimate goal. Sure having a healthy happy baby is a plus, and that is the outcome of learning how to survive. It’s the greatest reward of this game, the best prize. Not goal, prize. Striving to do your best and to survive new #motherhood is a really good mindset to have.

To often as a new mom we try to be the best not try our best. That we become overwhelmed by it all. Fearful that we aren’t doing enough, that our baby isn’t happy. And that fear leads us to unhappiness too. A place that you find yourself in as a FTM that really hurts yourself and your baby.

We tried to be the best, not do our best.. and that makes a difference. Because when it all boils down to it no one is perfect. There is no right way to mother and trying to be the best often leaves you feeling emotional and stressed. 

And I’m sure you are still wondering what a children’s song has to do with that feeling. Well my son loves when I sing him that song, it makes him smile and laugh. It makes him happy.
So much so that when he’s screaming for no reason meaning I’ve done everything I know to do and sometimes done it twice singing this song is the only thing that calms him down.

Even if I have to sing it nine times in a row.

It’s all about survival. And singing the same song over and over again so your son won’t keep crying... that’s survival. So while my throat might hurt and voice may crack from the amount of times in a row of singing, my son is happy and you know what..

So am I.

And while it’s time consuming, and can be tedious. These are the days we’ll never have again. I’m not tired. 

How can I be when I get to sing the Wheels on the Bus to my sweet boy? 

Do your best! It’s the only thing you can do! 
Survive !! And remember the prize of survival is a healthy and happy baby!! Because when you’re doing you best and you know it you are going to be a lot happier than if you try to be the best. 
#motherhood isn’t a compitition, its not about being the best. #motherhood is about giving your all and being happy while you do it!

I promise you that if I’m happy than so is Percy! And that’s all I really want, is for him to be happy!! Everything else is superficial. 

The Wheels on the Bus go round and round....
All through the town...

Be happy! Do your best! Survive! 



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