Sleep while he sleeps ~a tall tale~

Let’s talk about this nice bucket of impossible. What do you mean sleep while he sleeps? You want me to take a nap at 6am? Really? Have you ever tried taking a nap at 6am when you e been up since 4:30am? Come on let’s be real at 6am I’m on my second cup of coffee, sure my eyelids burn and I’m exhausted but come on. I’m not going to be able to sleep, I’m not tired. 
Oh sure 11am might seem like a good time for a nap, Percy’s been asleep for an hour. But you know what is an even better thing to do then go pee, or eat lunch, or possibly do any of the numerous chores you still need to get done. Wait actually this is a perfect time for another cup of coffee. 
You see the problem? New moms are told all the time to sleep when they sleep...except new moms have a lot of other things they need to do to. Sure a nap would be nice but don’t expect it to happen anytime soon. I’m just not that tired.
This is #motherhood when sure you need sleep but you know what’s also nice getting to brush your teeth or wash your hair. So instead of telling me to sleep when he sleeps just bring me some coffee next time it will go a lot farther!
~Someone who very rarely naps


  1. but really, when the child is sleeping is a great time to catch a nap. It's good to get other things done, but having a nap when baby naps isn't a bad thing either. It's called slowing down and enjoying baby.


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